Top 5 Unsolved Physics Mysteries
1)Quantum Gravity
Quantum mechanics and general relativity,
two successful theories, are the most incompatible ones. Quantum gravity aims to unify these theories to understand the universe better but it has not been
successful yet.
Any matter that does not absorb, reflect, or emit light is called dark matter. It makes up 85% of matter in the universe, but it has not been detected or studied directly yet.
In the early universe, it was known that matter and anti-matter were created in equal amounts. However, observations reveal an imbalance, with matter dominating the universe. Though no one knows what caused this imbalance.
Astrophysical data suggests space-time might be 'flat', rather than curved, and thus that it goes on forever. If so, then the region we can see (which we think of as the universe) is just one patch in an infinitely large 'quilted multiverse'.
Time, a fundamental aspect of our existence, poses profound questions about its nature and origins. Scientists grapple with the concept of time and whether it is an emergent property of the universe or a fundamental building block.
By - Tanishq Deshmukh
26 June 2023
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